Worldwide only those who pay domain expenses are considered domain investors, only in india the government agencies, employees are openly involved in online, financial fraud on domain investors, falsely claiming that they and their lazy greedy fraud sugar babies, real girlfriends who do not pay expenses own the domains of private citizens who are criminally defamed, cheated, exploited, robbed and subjected to horrific human rights expenses, so that the lazy greedy girlfriends get monthly government salaries in one of the greatest ONLINE, FINANCIAL FRAUDS since 2010.
Though the corrupt indian government blindly believes all the lies of its liar fraud employees to waste taxpayer money, paying their lazy greedy girlfriends monthly salaries while causing great losses to the real domain investor, the government fails to realize that people from other countries are reading the complaints of the domain investor who is victim of government FINANCIAL FRAUD since 2010.
It is very obvious that the well paid government employees are not paying for the domains, though the indian government makes fake claims and destroys its own credibility refusing to end its SLAVERY, FINANCIAL FRAUD on some citizens.