Instead of referral programs, paypal should end the google, tata, indian and state government in goa, karnataka, haryana, maharashtra, madhya pradesh COMPUTER WORK FRAUD on indian paypal account holders since 2010, which is adversely affecting their reputation, income and life
Paypal is realizing that the indian market will not grow fast, compared to the international market since most countries have recovered from the pandemic. Yet indian citizens find it risky to open a paypal business account, because of the indian security agencies COMPUTER WORK, BANKING FRAUD on them allegedly BRIBED by google, tata since 2010 in at least 5 states goa, karnataka, haryana, maharashtra, madhya pradesh, denying them the income and opportunities they deserved, a life of dignity and forcing them to waste their time EXPOSING the LIES of the well paid government employees
For example in panaji, goa , the domain investor is victim of the goa government BANKING, COMPUTER WORK FRAUD since 2012 with the LIAR goa government, security agencies committing CYBERCRIME, stealing her data and then falsely claiming that the LAZY GREEDY relatives of the security agencies like robber riddhi nayak caro, goan bhandari sunaina chodan , siddhi mandrekar, BRIBE GIVERS like gujju school dropout naina chandan who looks like actress sneha wagh, her lazy fraud sons karan, nikhil, asmita patel, ruchika kinge who do no computer work, own the domains, paypal, bank account in a clear case of FINANCIAL FRAUD to get all these frauds monthly raw/cbi salaries only for MAKING FAKE CLAIMS
In most other sectors, the top companies have the humanity and honesty to recognize the skilled experienced professionals who are spending their time and investing money, only in the indian internet sector , DISHONEST GREEDY UNETHICAL companies like google, tata, are taking great PRIDE in commiting BANKING, FINANCIAL FRAUD on domain investors, indian paypal account holders, BRIBING FRAUD LIAR security agencies to make fake claims about call girls, robber, cheater housewives, school dropouts and other frauds, who are role models for google, tata
Due to fraud of the greedy unethical indian tech and internet companies, ntro, raw, cbi, some indian paypal account holders are denied a life of dignity since the indian and state governments refuse to acknowledge the computer work they do, the money they invest. Since there is no one in india , who will help the hardworking honest indian paypal account holders who are CHEATED, EXPLOITED by ntro, raw, cbi, no one is interested in opening a paypal account, they will prefer doing manual labor under the REGA
Making money online is very time consuming, the google, tata sponsored LAZY FRAUD raw/cbi employees are least interested in doing any kind of computer work, rely on fraud R&AW/ntro employees to continue with their CYBERCRIME, COMPUTER WORK FRAUD, FAKE paypal account ownership. If they wish to honest earn money there are many options like .
Yet SECTION 420 FRAUD GREEDY LIAR ntro, raw, cbi employees like riddhi nayak caro, indore robber deepika, goan bhandari sunaina chodan are least interested in opening their own Paypal account LEGALLY continue with their paypal fraud supported by sundar pichai led google, tata since 2010
Till paypal persuades google, tata, indian and state governments to end its COMPUTER WORK FRAUD on indian paypal account holders, few will be interested in opening their own paypal account, everyone will try to emulate the PAYPAL FRAUDSTER raw/cbi employees who get monthly government salaries only for making FAKE CLAIMS of owning a paypal, bank account after committing CYBERCRIME, criminally defaming the real paypal account holder to destroy the person’s reputation completely