A large number of indian citizens are losing money to cybercrime, because the indian government is openly wasting crores of rupees of taxpayer money to reward CYBERCRIME, FINANCIAL, ONLINE FRAUD since 2010 paying monthly salaries to domain fraudsters like bespectacled indore housewife CYBERCRIMINAL GREEDY LIAR raw employee deepika/veena who falsely claims to own this and other domains, to get a monthly government salary though it be LEGALLY PROVED that she never registered or paid for this or any domain in her life.
Indore domain fraudster high status respectable well connected raw employee housewife deepika/veena, who has never invested any money in domains is another example of indian government policy of rewarding CYBERCRIME, FINANCIAL, ONLINE FRAUD since 2010, paying her and other raw/cbi employees a monthly government salary for falsely claiming to own this and other domains in the network, at the expense of the real domain investor, a single woman engineer, her relative whose life she destroyed
The indian, mp government, tech and internet companies are aware that Indore domain fraudster raw employee housewife bespectacled deepika/veena is only cooking, cleaning for her crooked husband, has never invested money in domains, since she is least interested in doing so, since raw employee veena is only interested in investing money in land, gold like most of the raw/cbi domain fraudster employees.
Yet only to get a very good raw salary and pension after retirement which will be mostly invested or spent in indore , without doing any kind of work, without taking the risk of investing money in domains, the LIAR mp government is openly involved in CYBERCRIME, FINANCIAL FRAUD on a single woman engineer, domain investor who has no one to help or defend her against powerful liars and fraud states. the CYBERCRIMINAL indore officials are stealing all the data of the domain investor and falsely claiming that the domains belong to the indore fraudster deepika/veena which the indian government blindly believes to pay deepika/veena a monthly government salary at the expense of the real domain investor.
Showing how ruthless and cunning cheaters, the indore officials are, they have continued with their great online, finacial fraud since 2010, without being questioned, so this is posted as a fraud so that people, companies and countries are aware of the indian, mp government online, financial fraud and do not believe the complete lies of cunning cheater top government employees, tech and internet companies who are supporting the indore fraudster raw employee in her domain ownership, online fraud since 2010.