It can be legally proved that indore robber raw employee bespectacled housewife deepika/veena has never registered or purchased any domain in her life and does not have any online income at all, she is mainly COOKING, CLEANING for her crooked husband in indore only
Yet indicating widespread government FINANCIAL FRAUD on obc engineers with good JEE rank, using a combination of FAKE RUMORS,SLANDER,CYBERCRIME,the madhya pradesh government, R&AW got indore’s top fraud housewife deepika/veena a monthly government salary since 2010 for FAKING ownership of the domains of a single woman obc bhandari engineer with a good JEE rank , the goa 1989 jee topper
To cover up the financial fraud of FAKING domain ownership, the the madhya pradesh government, R&AW are spreading FAKE rumors that the domains of the single woman belong to various cunning cheater top government employees who HATE the single woman especially her btech 1993 ee classmates from iit bombay and have never helped her in any way at all. The single woman engineer is also CRIMINALLY DEFAMED to destroy her credibility
The domains are always available for sale, yet indicating widespread government FINANCIAL FRAUD on obc engineers with good JEE rank, the indore robber raw employee deepika/veena and other domain fraudster raw/cbi employees refuse to legally purchase the domains yet get a monthly government salary
Though the FINANCIAL FRAUD of the government agencies, employees who fake domain ownership can be legally proved, indicating the lack of social justice in india, government FINANCIAL FRAUD on obc engineers with good JEE rank, the government refuses to correct its records, CRIMINALLY DEFAMES the single woman engineer, DUPING companies, countries and people with fake stories about domain ownership since 2010